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The Little Surprises Blog

The Next Step for The Little Surprises Company

We love sharing our journey with you and the last few weeks have been exciting ones for The Little Surprises Company. As the founder of the business, I have always split my time between teaching - a job I love, and Little Surprises. The last 18 months have been very busy for the business and I made the exciting decision at the end of last academic year to change the balance so that from this September, I will now be working in school for just three days a week and for The Little Surprises Company for two! This little 'side hustle' is edging it's way into my life in a great way!

Covid has thrown the original concept of The Little Surprises Company up in the air but through a huge pivot to online festivals and virtual events and then an incredible introduction by a good friend Kate to Google, the last 12 months have been very very busy!

Alongside teaching and running a Science curriculum for our academy chain, since last September, I have hosted 6 day-long online festivals with up to 2500 attendees at some of them, run over 100 online workshops & classes for corporates & private clients including Google, Sky, The D. E. Shaw Group, Jumio Corporation, Winchester White & PwC, posted over 400 corporate gift boxes with everything from cocktail glasses to flour in them and I’ve had a brilliant time! I’ve been able to work with over 25 incredible small, local, lovely businesses that have been having a really tricky 18 months by partnering with them to host events and employed, at different points in the year, 4 of my brilliant ex students to support when things got busy!

I am not a risk taker & it has been a big move to give up one of my school roles to give The Little Surprises Company the love & attention it needs but hopefully a really exciting year ahead! Looks like this little side hustle is getting a bit more serious! Wish me luck!


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